miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2015

II. Lesson plan as a success tool for teachers

II. Lesson plan as a success tool for teachers

A. How useful is lesson planning for teachers?

The lesson planning is very useful to be successful for us as
NQT  . The success of the lesson plan will depend on the use of the teacher wants to give it.
The lesson plan is a guide with which we follow to develop a theme. The lesson plan contains the steps which can be guided to develop creatively and successfully ordered one hour class according to student needs and according to the experience of teachers.
The lesson plan helps us to have an orderly and accurate which is: what students need to know?, How much do they must know?, as we teach on a specific topic, we can develop activities according to subject and according to the ages of students, also How much time do we need for each activity?, and finally to know Which tools we will use.

B. Is lesson planning a need only for NQT or for teachers with plenty of experience as well?

As we mentioned earlier for the lesson plan NQT besides being a great to-help when we are teaching the classes, it is also very useful and necessary, because we can plan with perfection to one or more classes.
 The lesson plan is important because we have a guide on how to develop a class and to prepare activities. A NQT are not able to improvise during a class, so it is better to be prepared in advance; however, some experienced teachers prefer to teach their classes according to their own experience, they do not often use lesson plan although the education plan demand them it, so they just create them but not use them. They are based on know enough to develop a class without any problem and without the need to make a lesson plan, because over the years have learned the exact form and method to develop a theme uncomplicated, and always provide class to new things, whether exposing their examples or their own experiences.

C. What was your own experience with lesson planning?

 For us as NQT the opportunity to teach English to students was a wonderful experience, and the lesson plan at the beginning of the cycle of class seemed hard to do; organize and plan everything for a class it seemed a bit boring, but then we realized that the lesson plan was a great help to prepare lessons and to take according to plan activities and the exact time to develop them. The lesson plan is not only useful but necessary as we mentioned above.

We all agree that the preparation of the lesson plan was difficult, but with practice and time are sure that we will learn to do better to take more advantage of it.



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